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04/29/21 10:47 AM

#178047 RE: HerbertWest #178046

When did Kym Nelson leave?

Mumbo Jumbo

04/29/21 10:49 AM

#178048 RE: HerbertWest #178046

Verb world crashing down HW?

Another one bites the dust...

Yesterday Julie Holdren CPO from Verb resigned tired of trying to work with Rory. She couldn't even make it to the year mark.

Just to summarize in the past month both persons in charge of Product Management (Chad and Julie) were either fired for insider trading or resigned because couldn't take it anymore.

Will Rory announce this? or is he just gonna wait until he has to?

They fired everybody on Chad's team, and they will probably do the same to Julie's team.

Verb is bleeding key employees, I am hearing Mitch Bledsoe is next.

Do your own DD, this is just like my opinion man.

Sixth Man

04/29/21 10:51 AM

#178049 RE: HerbertWest #178046

Yesterday Julie Holdren CPO from Verb resigned tired of trying to work with Rory. She couldn't even make it to the year mark.


I'm happy for Julie though. She must see through the bullshit Rory spews across the public eye.

You can't take those millions in bonuses you're handsomely collecting for yourself Rory in the after life. Lucky for us, we have nothing to take bc you took it from us from all your lies.

If I were Rory, I'd be praying for forgiveness after everyone getting hurt from your nonsense.

The man just cant help himself though, he continues doubling down by telling everyone just how awesome the company is doing.


Well Rory, lucky for us, we actually know how to read earning reports, and the bs you spew is the complete opposite of the earning numbers.

Maybe read a book on integrity or a book on stock fundamentals Rory?

Mumbo Jumbo

04/29/21 11:05 AM

#178051 RE: HerbertWest #178046

Perfect time to give Rory another BIG BONUS

Sixth Man

04/29/21 11:13 AM

#178053 RE: HerbertWest #178046

Will Rory announce this? or is he just gonna wait until he has to?

Rory will most likely hide and not tell us.

This hasn't stopped him from before when hiding stuff from us. Examples, the lawsuit and the insider trading at Verb that was done.

The only way he'll tell us is if everyone starts flooding their pages. They wanna try and keep everything hush hush so the last thing they want is for customers to see what's happening on social media.

This has been the pattern at Verb with Rory for the last 3 plus years:

- tout endless bs
- lie
- watch share price skyrocket
- delete video evidence
- tout more
- watch share price dump
- break ethics codes/sec rules
- blame shorts when going gets tough
- collects bonuses for himself
- hides again
- tells everyone everything is going so great

Rinse repeat.

Sixth Man

04/29/21 11:52 AM

#178058 RE: HerbertWest #178046

Another one bites the dust...

Yesterday Julie Holdren CPO from Verb resigned tired of trying to work with Rory. She couldn't even make it to the year mark.

Have someone ask Jeff Clayborne at Verb about his little touting night that wrecked investors financially into a rabbit hole when he thought he was just so cool and told 10 of us investors about how his Verb stock price will short squeeze in the coming weeks.

There have been a few people that tried to reach Verb with this, including the almighty Rory but all chose to ignore it. If Jeff needs reminded about this, I can give him more information on it. Tell him alcohol was involved at that event and he walked away acting all big and bad right after he said it.

I'll be willing to give him the list of people that were there around him if he needs that to remember the reckless stuff he said to us and more if he needs it.
