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04/28/21 12:16 AM

#373000 RE: datafarer #372999

LOL, this is not crap.

Go ask patients who survive more than 5 years. Drug is going to speak itself whether it works or not soon. Before TLD news, you can say anything you want, bullish or bearish. If you think it is crap, then sell it first thing tomorrow morning.


04/28/21 12:19 AM

#373001 RE: datafarer #372999

Is this man the famous Dr. Buzdar of MD Anderson who shared his professional opinion with a peer of unusual background and acute scientific background from his many years bashing biotech stocks?

Dr Buzdar says grapefruit and this guy sez crap and another enlightened “oncologist” will say doggy poo.

The only thing that can be concurred is that either you are FOS or your oncologist “friend” is pulling your leg.

This does not rise to the level of FUD but thanks for your input.

Have a nice day.


04/28/21 12:26 AM

#373002 RE: datafarer #372999

How was the phase 3 trial not “a proper trial?”


04/28/21 1:01 AM

#373003 RE: datafarer #372999

Respectfully, this “leading oncologist” is dead wrong.
Overall Survival is a metric that doesn’t lie and can’t be fudged.
The interim blended data proves that OS is extended by roughly 300% of what temozolomide provided.
There are multiple real world examples of DCVAX patients still alive at 5 years plus which is virtually unheard of for GBM with SOC.
This has all been thoroughly addressed and TLD will prove it.


04/28/21 2:20 AM

#373005 RE: datafarer #372999

I'm a patient of the head of hematology at City of Hope, they're heavily into research and yet I've given him information on trials I knew were ongoing that he knew nothing about. He was interested in DCVax-L, and even more so when I mentioned Dr. Liau was the lead clinician and developer of the vaccine. He knows Dr. Liau.

My point is that your oncologist, nor any oncologist can possibly know all that's under development. I believe that Dr. Liau's presentation at SNO in 2018 should have impressed anyone who's seen it, but I doubt if even 1% of all oncologists have. Even many brain surgeons who specialize in GBM wouldn't know, why not? Because most oncologists and other specialists look for FDA approvals before looking at products to use. Patients are probably more actively looking at what's in trial than their Doctors. It's not that they're doing a bad job, but existing therapeutics are tried first by most Drs. unless the patient is pro-active about finding experimental trials that may have better outcomes.

I believe that DCVax's have been hiding in plain sight. Dr. Liau has certainly been as open as she's permitted to be about what was being seen in the trials, but remember, the trial was blinded. You can't be precise about the results while a trial is still blinded.

Ask your oncologist friend to look at Dr. Liau's presentation at SNO in 2018 until he can see unblinded data from the trial. See if after reviewing what's happening if he isn't changing his mind. Please don't get me wrong about the work that most oncologists do, my experience is that they're more than willing to have you speak with leaders in the field. I know that mine, who were tied to Cedar Sinai set up the appointment for me with the head of hematology at City of Hope. It's not that they weren't doing stem cell transplants in seniors, they were willing to, but they recognized that COH had far more experience with it and were recognized as a pioneer in that area.



04/28/21 5:41 AM

#373020 RE: datafarer #372999

I was talking to another Oncologist and he said they have 1000s of people on the waiting list once TLD comes out. He is stealing patients from Oncos like the 1 you spoke to. Do your own due diligence and take it for what it's worth and heresay is just bs anyway you slice it a bird in the hand.....nice try I will consider Ashkans and Musellas public statements over someguy somewhere.


04/28/21 6:23 AM

#373022 RE: datafarer #372999

oh, thats an important post from you, datafarer. That must be the greatest specialist of the world, doesn´t know DCvax, never heard of it, AND KNOWS, THIS DOESNT WORK

o.k. i see many responds to you already and your comment. So, be "happy" he is wrong (we all are sometimes due to 1000 reasons) and there is hope for you and many


04/28/21 6:45 AM

#373023 RE: datafarer #372999

datafarer, take a look what iwasadiver said about Oncologists knowledge of the DCVax trial
(I have added the bolding to get the message across to you)

It’s true. I’m not friends with the Oncologists. Our paths rarely cross. But I’ve spoken to many of them regarding patients that come into the ER, even if not regarding glioblastomas. And I’ve asked every one of them I’ve ever spoken to about their perspectives on DCVax. They all know the story, and every one of them I’ve ever spoken to have said they believe it appears to be working. I said in a previous post that I had a particular conversation with one of our Oncologists back in May when I called her to discuss a patient of hers I had in the ED; she was actually, at the moment I called her, at the NWBO booth at ASCO discussing the trial with another Oncologist from Columbia University. We talked for almost an hour about it all; the science, the apparent efficacy, and the incredible profoundness of the possibility that we might be able to say we were there, alive, when the biggest advance in the history of Medicine occurred. I believe it.

And I'm sure as this was 16 months ago, even more Oncologists must now be aware of the apparent efficacy of DCVax


04/28/21 8:05 AM

#373036 RE: datafarer #372999

Not sure how much you guys will concur with this. But I spoke to one of the top oncologist and his view was that this doesn’t work. This is crap.

Well there you have it. Datafarer with less than a month hanging around has the inside scoop folks. Pack it up, we can all go home.


04/28/21 8:23 AM

#373039 RE: datafarer #372999



04/28/21 9:29 AM

#373048 RE: datafarer #372999

A number of top oncologists, from major universities, do know and are anxiously looking forward to the results. So your friend may simply not be in the know. We’ll all soon know.


04/28/21 9:50 AM

#373058 RE: datafarer #372999

This is the reason why we call NWBIO a hidden “gem” for now.


04/28/21 9:53 AM

#373061 RE: datafarer #372999

Datafarer, Who can I contact to get paid for posts like yours?
As our good friend 'ex used to say- "Eyeroll" "LOL"


04/28/21 10:29 AM

#373087 RE: datafarer #372999

I always love these concealed sources. Do you know you can make concealed sources say anything you want?

I use concealed sources all the time in court that's why I have a 99.99% win rate and I charge $ 1200 p.h. LOL LOL