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04/28/21 6:22 AM

#20906 RE: VonRyan #20903

I received a similar statement from Schwab! I just sent the below to @BLSP and if I can find an email addy for this company will send to them too.... May not produce anything but what the hell.... sending it anyway: Please advise when you are going to get current with your SEC filings. I recently started investing and would like to continue investing in your company but you are woefully behind in your corporate responsibilities.
Please advise, Jennifer


05/02/21 12:17 PM

#20909 RE: VonRyan #20903

Golden Window of OP here with CE Tickers explained!
TDA and other brokers are restricting CE trades May 25 just one month b4 SEC filings deadline June 30th...and you know all the dark stop sign and CE tickers are the laziest so they will be making late filings and going Pink Current all month in June b4 June 30th SEC deadline and NO ONE WILL BE ABLE TO BUY THE CE TICKERS TILL THEY GET UPLISTED accept the MM's and insiders

Mark my words, in June we will see all kinds of CE tickers making filings and no one will be able to buy on this news so I am buying CE tickers now and holding for the big runs.

see link: