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04/22/21 2:00 AM

#185418 RE: janice shell #185417

I am going to pimp some Opal apples. They had this variety at a store I wuz at and eye thought I wood try them. Berry gut! Yellow skin, crisp, sweet, appley.

If you see Opals in Filly, givem a try. Berry gut.

I grow Fujis and Granny Smiths on property (just for us - dint even gno my Fuji took root until a cuppla years ago I cleared some brush and WHAAA-LAH there it be), butt I hafta admit the Opal is superior.

I may try to buy some Opal bare roots next winter for the Wess (Best) Coast hacienda. Gut eatin'!!

If'n yu seeum, tryum. Itsa gut apple.

Hoy los mapaches serán alimentados con pollo sazonado.