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04/21/21 7:27 AM

#2300 RE: bb221 #2299

No. We do it all the time in Texas with “saltwater injection wells” for oil and gas. The water produced during oil and gas production has to disposed of back into the ground, same idea here.


04/21/21 10:50 PM

#2306 RE: bb221 #2299

Re-Injection Enhanced Production for Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) Projects
Published on December 19, 2019

by Alex Grant

One of them is the 500L/s elephant in the room: what do you do with the brine after you’ve extracted the lithium from it using a DLE process on a salar? Re-injection is not a common feature of evaporative lithium projects and new, innovative hydrogeological strategies are needed to handle it at DLE projects to avoid mixing fresh brine feeds with brine that has had the lithium removed. These strategies are multidisciplinary; requiring inputs from chemical engineers, hydrogeologists, geochemists, and others to de-risk the project. They are also hyper-specific to the DLE process, the resource and its hydrogeology. Just as some DLE processes work for some projects and not all, some spent brine strategies will only work for some DLE projects. In this article, we will discuss the key hydrogeological concepts used to manage salar brine aquifers, and identify promising techniques from other industries which may not only help manage the risk of spent brine re-injection, but potentially improve both the environmental impact and economic return of DLE projects.