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04/20/21 11:39 PM

#371203 RE: Nick119 #371122

NYC is so anti landlord that I had to sell the multi family home I was raised in because repeat rent nonpayers hit landlord after landlord typically getting 10 months or more of staying rent free with impunity each time. It’s not illegal for the professional non payer to keep doing it, and they can damage the apartment without worrying about the system holding them accountable!

If you’re a big landlord you can afford to keep employing a lawyer and even a property manager to maintain your sanity since the many other rents provide enough income, and a certain percentage for evictions is a cost of doing business.

But when you’re renting 1 or two apartments the legal fees, housing court appearances, repairing what is being purposely broken, and if you lucky the cost of the eviction/Marshall, etc., can be a killer

It’s a shame and it’s taking rental units off the market for legitimate renters in NYC.