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01/19/07 12:52 PM

#15451 RE: luvthemtrainz #15449

If we could get more Trading volume........
If PWTC could get above 1 mil per day volume, we all could probably do well trading our personal Entry and Exit points.

Then JUSTA and his group would join in and the next thing we'd know PWTC would be one of the "hot" stocks. Ha.
The MMs would pile on and help shoot PWTC further up........
and then further down............but we'd "work it.

PTI would probably still be basically out-of-business because SEC filings still weren't completed but we'd be a high volume "trader" stock and like so many other BB big movers, one could do very well just playing the cycles.

BJ could crank up ol TVA again........maybe get some Govmunt
R&D money and we'd be FLYING! Forget fundementals! Ha, ha.


01/21/07 5:04 AM

#15455 RE: luvthemtrainz #15449

Congrats, Trainz! A couple of pesos on the upside here too, but not enough to finance the pheasant hunting expedition we talked about years ago, much less Preamp's kilt party.

Might make an interesting "alternate history" science fiction story to flesh out an alternate universe where the company chose to focus on making batteries rather than printing stock to pay market promoters.
