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04/19/21 2:04 AM

#52428 RE: LoveAndLight #52427

'LoveAndLight' wow if that is what they are doing, our dream has come true. I read a post that each day they have to account for the shares. They can borrow them from a client but have to return them each day.
no long term shorts
Either way OTC is going to be green.
I've been feeling this huge uplift coming any day, and after reading some posts starting to see what's shaken.
the very best to ya
blessings to you and yours always


04/19/21 3:49 AM

#52433 RE: LoveAndLight #52427

'LoveAndLight'you are right, thanks for the link

shorting after April 22

(1)they will have to give the lender of shares full collateral that fully secures the loan consisting of cash, U.S. Treasury Bills or notes, an irrevocable letter of credit issued by a bank, or such other collateral as the Commission designates as permissible

(2)mark the loan to market not less than daily and provide additional collateral as necessary to fully collateralize the loan; and

(3)notify the lender that the provisions of SIPA may not protect the lender and that, therefor, the collateral delivered to the lender may constitute the only source of satisfaction of the broker-dealer's obligation to return the securities. In the adopting release for these requirements, the Commission stated that the rule will "compel the firm to turn over the collateral physically to the lender."

so there is no way they are going to borrow shares at full price collateral with an irrevocable letter of credit from a bank.
WOW this is definitely going to be a rush

no wonder they been dumping so many fake shares, they no doubt far behind on paying for them. Lots of Madoffs gunna come to light through this. Ones thaat spent the money....they scambling now
hahaha, time for them to get outta Dodge as the old western said

so glad, so glad
take care my friend in the battle