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04/15/21 10:24 PM

#335548 RE: jomama9231 #335546

And I can guarantee that the number of patients that get covid and get a clot anywhere...or just the number of covid patients that die from not getting the far higher. I kind of have to go out on my high horse on this one...first do no harm goes both ways...withholding something overwhelming good is harm. I’d say that of the ER patients with covid presenting to the ER...the number we spun in a CT for PE was low but the incidence of positives was way larger than 2%. We had limited resources. Scanning someone shut down the machine till it was cleaned. I’m a radiation minimalist so maybe my percent positive was higher...but from my colleagues...I heard about a lot of PE’s in people you would never suspect...but they all had covid!!! It’s an inflammatory disease. Thus the potential role of v. And an endothelial disease. Thus the role of v. I’m not saying this as an investor. I loose it survive...this disease wiped away more wealth and caused more tragedy than the first year of any to date world war.