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04/15/21 8:51 AM

#335360 RE: eightisenough #335356

8- firstly I don’t think you or indeed anyone can protect any reader from gaining incorrect impressions - that will happen no matter who tries to police posts on the board - I doubt you have time or inclination to be the policeman
Secondly you are going way over the top on L - what she stated was quite acceptable/ hardly outrageous/ easily clarified
Thirdly as a lawyer who has practised over 40 years I have seen many times over non lawyers reaching quite valid and indeed sometimes highly compelling interpretations of a legal position - I would never shut the door on a layman having his or her view
Whilst we may be lawyers I would hope we would listen and respect a layman’s right to a view on any legal matter - I have seen at certain times in my career lay defendants doing a brilliant job defending the most complex and serious of matters - way beyond their pay grade
Finally we could all benefit from just letting things wash over a while - Amarin has been a long story with many ups and many downs - I know you are a committed supporter of the cause we longs all share - I really hope for you and your family (as well as for me and mine) that things will come good - it won’t be for lack of dedication and commitment
Your input on legal matters has been greatly appreciated by me and I am sure all board members- thank you for all your efforts