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04/09/21 11:22 AM

#39591 RE: winningpenny #39588

Winningpenny --- get on board, info posted in FB

Black Dragon Resource Companies Inc.
So, as always, I wanted to thank all the supporters and well wishers.
And, I want to jump right in and update everyone as well as address numerous questions, concerns and as always...Lies , misinformation and other negatives that are designed to harm our company (and companies) as well as attempt to put a damper on our progress and momentum. (But that's why I'm here, and for those who care, we can "work around and solve" these things so that we are not "hurt" by these people!)....
NOTE*** As I always point out to all of you: " I will post things and answers as well as reflecting on "actual" facts, rules and regulations . However, you still need to read and study for yourselves, and that way you are NOT influenced by myself and my knowledge, but rather use my "comments" to provoke and present "questions" while the answers are readily available on all the regulatory and compliance related sites such as :, , and many others including a host of attorneys and CPA sites.
First of all, I do not "hide". If there's nothing to report or update, I use my time developing things and working on our business.
I hope that everyone had a few days off and enjoyed Easter and Passover. (or just the days off!)
I feel great since "my team" were able to solve several major issues concerning our NFT's and the overall distribution and sales.
The most incredible development that we can report, is how we are now able to "legally" and in a great delivery platform, "reward" all BDGR supporters with not only a yet to be announced dividend, but an actually NFT's and it will be done directly from the company, so no need for FINRA approvals as it will be in a "normal" and regular dividend that is also coming. ( This is a "believers" bonus!)
So, what's the deal? Well, first of all, despite what some of you may read or "be lead to believe", myself and our group is extremely excited for the fact that we were able to "save" BDGR. I'm an investor and anytime that I can add several million dollar in value to our portfolio, then its always a "good day!" Second, the Black Dragon NFT's have a tremendous growth value to us as the company, not withstanding the fact that a lot of old , current and new shareholders were able to "recover' their 12 year old losses anyway.
Our goal is to have these NFT's create such a value, that the actual PPS would become a second thought. Although, one will begat the other! So, let me explain. My analysts and our "guestimates" led us to see a pretty good response and liquidity in just a few months of us acquiring this company. Now, I realize, and can read, some statements where people are incredibly impatient and are actually blaming our management and myself for market fluctuation. Well, where were they for the past 12 years at BDGR???? And why was it that I and MY group wrote all those checks and paid for the company to get all updated in in "compliance?" OK, so now some accused us of P&D... Well, it doesn't make any sense! Why buy a company with a huge OS and 12 years of "delinquent" filings , and not to mention state and franchise taxes owed, and "corporate charter dissolved!"
So here is the deal! We will be issuing (at minimal) at least a $ 1.00 per share NFT, backed by real and IRS verified art asset. ( OK for those who believe all the lies and nonsense, let me spell it out: A ONE ($ 1.00) Dollar, for every share of BDGR. as a bonus). BTW, wait till you see what happens to all the ???? shorts? , but that's a side bonus story).
OK, just as all of you bashers run for your computers to attack me, here is the information. It took us this longs, (and I'm great at math and SEC rules), to cover all our bases so that SEC and FINRA do not shut us down. (like they have with other crypto and etc...companies). This all has to do with understanding the law, and compliance rules and regulations. Now, at this point, I have no problem with some, and even ALL of you to leave us, and/or sit back and laugh at this whole concept. Trust me, if my goal was to sell these $ .0009 shares, then this would've been a different story!
Now, for NFT's to work, we wanted to ensure there is a market. And guess what? All you believers in the "bashers' lies and "conspiracy theories" against our company and my plans.... Yes, they were right! I did have an additional agenda. "to create a secondary markets for our NFT's!" So we're there now! so NO, I was not trying to collect and chase sub-pennies, I'm focused on $$$ Dollars!
So for all us "dreamers" out there, "yes, a ONE Million shares block" in our trading account, in a little time will show $ ONE Million Dollars net worth! However!
Here comes the "small print disclaimer statements!"... "No, you do not need to do anything extra. And yes, as some of you will still call me a liar and loser a...hole , be it! This is for those who helped us revive BDGR, and are actually feeling pretty positive on the company's future . And I do repeat, we do not need anyone's permission or approval. We are launching our system, and we will be using a "SF" distribution software from one of my other companies, (some of you know what that is), as well as our own "proprietary blockchain codes and NFT's software's and protocol.
In closing, I just wanted to say that : "for all good things to work and make things happen, it takes time, skill, and a TON of belief and tenacity!" (we do have all of that)
So, as always, I will keep you posted and informed. And yes, do NOT be surprised by all the NEW attacks and "bashers!"... they simply just don't get the technology.