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04/08/21 12:54 PM

#229016 RE: Jimmy Joe #229009


So now someone is shorting an Expert stock?

So now the leap is made from implausible to impossible...


04/08/21 2:41 PM

#229043 RE: Jimmy Joe #229009


Well I wasn't around back then, but the usual MO
is to target a stock and naked short as early as possible
and continue all the way down, thus maximising their gains.

Holy grail is to short until revocation as there will be no
covering necessary and no tax to pay so it becomes 100% all profit.
That's some scam they had going there in conjunction with the SEC,
very evil (destroy American businesses for pure profit and use the corrupt SEC to provide the coup de gras). Almost as evil as the baby parts for Lambhorgini's scam all funded by our fab govt. They better follow through with major reforms or no one will want to do business with US govt anymore.

At least the major ongoing decades long NS scam is finally out in the open although you would not know it coming to this board. There is no going back to the bad old days though, something must be done about it, and ASAP. I think it will this time, as hands are being forced, hopefully just in time for DBMM Pink. That would be a real trip and then some.

p.s. I have intimated long before that the NS position could be 1B, but even that in light of GM*E could be an underestimation.
The good news is once we go Pink all will become clear. Terrifying for some I know, LOL!
