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04/07/21 10:38 AM

#19806 RE: roger+g75 #19805

when does it come out of the gray market???

Very probably NEVER! EHOS would have to become current, but more importantly, would have to find an MM willing to risk their securities industry license to sponsor a FINRA Form 211 on behalf of EHOS. Given the history, there is NO MM on the face of earth that would risk their livelihood on a slug like EHOS.

Why file a Form 211? To placate a cadre of bushwhacked lottery hopefuls? NOT A CHANCE! an effort to be restored to the Pink Sheets EHOS could have appealed the SEC Trading Suspension, but chose not to do it. The time for filing the appeal has long passed. This is just one more clue that nobody on the inside here at EHOS has any interest in what happens to the Company.