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04/06/21 8:05 AM

#367406 RE: Basin Street Blues #367404

Maybe that was Adam’s April fools day joke. 4/1. If we all know they know as well. The question will be who is behind him Adam is just a mouth piece nobody.

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04/06/21 8:20 AM

#367409 RE: Basin Street Blues #367404

All the company needs to do is put out a press release stating it's not the case.

They say here if not July then August, if not August then September, if not September then October, if not October then November, if not November then definitely December, if not then January, but if not expect February, and, if not then March, if not then April...

You just can't make this stuff up. LOL
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04/06/21 8:23 AM

#367410 RE: Basin Street Blues #367404

Thanks BSB
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04/06/21 9:48 AM

#367438 RE: Basin Street Blues #367404

A person can file wrongdoing with the SEC at their website. I did it once about 8 years ago and they do listen. But before you file the complaint make sure you know what you are talking about.

My complaint was "selling into the offering" which is illegal but very hard to prove but it seemed obvious as I cited two different offerings and showed all the action before the public announcement. They did take in my complaint and I received an email back that they would investigate it but I would not hear back from them personally.

This of course is not the case here. Some people on here think they will get their money back from years ago, that they were victims. Well if those people did not speak up and file complaints with proof at that time it's a bit too late now. So if you feel you have a legitimate grip of something that went on illegally by all means file it at the SEC site.
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04/06/21 10:20 AM

#367441 RE: Basin Street Blues #367404

The SEC is in bed with Wall Street. There is zero oversight. Totally corrupt system. Adam should have been locked up years ago for his market manipulation. A long history of misinformation with shorting orchestration.