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04/05/21 11:45 AM

#176974 RE: Hooter50 #176971

Don't you think that every time Rory dumps another 15M shares into the market that weakens the effect the longs tightly held shares make a difference?

Sixth Man

04/05/21 11:59 AM

#176979 RE: Hooter50 #176971

Rory has pissed of a number of people over the years and those same people have made it their mission in life to do anything/everything to see Verb not succeed.

False. Everyone wants to see Verb succeed, because if this happens, then investors win, which would be great.

Rory however for years still refuses to take any responsibility for the deteriorated share price in a way that holds substance and not just yelling into a video camera during a SHAC video saying "I OWN IT OKAY" after pissing investors off for the 47th time. Along with taking no responsibility for his lies over the years, the biggest one to date is arguably when Rory told us in a video recording that the share price will be much higher post offering.

That one alone should bring a lawsuit against him and Verb for saying something that reckless.

Rory did this to himself. No one is jealous of Rory, no one wants ill will for this situation. Everyone wants this to be a win for Verb.

The day Rory decides to stop bs'ing himself and us, is the day everything changes for Verb for the better.

But until then, we will continue to see pump and dumps, upset investment community that has every right to be upset at Rory, events being hidden from us that shouldn't be, lies, misleads, etc as this has historically happened here.

Real McCoy

04/05/21 12:01 PM

#176980 RE: Hooter50 #176971

None of this is correct. Upset employees would be absolutely powerless in the event the market was accepting this product.