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04/01/21 8:35 PM

#45392 RE: JJ8 #45390

The data is all there. Doesnt take an expert to make sense of it since its all labeled and timed stamped.


04/01/21 9:02 PM

#45394 RE: JJ8 #45390

Ok maybe I can talk you through it. Column 1 of accelerator data is time in seconds.
Column 2 is vehicle speed at those time intervals
Column 3 is accelerator pedal %. As in the difference between resting position and pedal to the metal.
Column 4 is rear motor RPM. Not important outside it shows motor going right up to impact.

Does this help?


04/01/21 9:37 PM

#45397 RE: JJ8 #45390

Ok since you havent replied I'll go over some more info to help.

The braking data you only need to reference the first 2 columns. However column 3 shows when accident occurred as teslas stability featured kicked on.

Column 1 time in seconds
Column 2 Service Brake. This is simple on if brake applied and off if no brake is applied.
Column 3 indicates if the Teslas stability control feature is enabled or not. Upon impact the feature turned on as indicated by the field saying engaged at 0.0 seconds.
Column 4 indicates if antilock brakes system is engaged. All fields are off so its never engaged.

According to column 2 row 4. The valet applied the brakes at time point 3.5s before impact. The remainder of the column shows off so the valet did not apply the brakes again according to the EDR data.

Are you able to follow?


04/01/21 10:41 PM

#45399 RE: JJ8 #45390

Still nothing? Ok I'll continue to examination of data & interpretation of it.


Between 5 -4 seconds the tesla seems to have reached a cruising speed of 15-16 mph. At time point 4.6s the valet lets off the accelerator.


If you've ever driven in a parking garage this suggest that the tesla is in a straightaway. The valet hit a max speed of about 16mph before letting off the accelerator. This suggests the valet was comfortable at a cruising speed of 16mph.


In the braking data set, valet applies the brake at 3.5s. Since the data is only reported every .5s and at 3.4s the valet applies the accelerator, this indicates valet applied the brakes between 3.99s & 3.4s. During this time period speed drops from 14 to 11mph. At 3.4s to 2.0s the valet maintains constant light accelerator pressure while speed drops from 11 - 8 mph.


Based on valet applying the brake but only for a .5s we can guess that he was coming up on a turn. The drop in speed from 11mph to 8mph while maintaining light pressure on the accelerator tells us the valet is making a turn that takes 1.5s to complete.


At 1.8s time point valet begins increasing pressure on the accelerator. Speed of the car increases from 8-10mph at average pressure of 16% between 1.8-1
4s. Between 1.2s-.8s valet increases pressure to 30% and the tesla increases speed to 12 mph.


After the valet finishes the turn between
3.4s to 1.8s, the valet applies a little pressure to accelerator and the tesla speeds up 2 mph. The valet then increases pressure so the accelerator is 31.2% downpressed. The tesla then speed up from 10-12 mph suggesting the valet is in the next straight section in the garage.


At .6s before impact accelerator is downpressed from 31.2% to 80% and then hits 100% downpressed by .4s before impact where it remains until impact.


Valet appears to be trying to get the car up to speed either to previous speed of 16mph or is testing the Teslas acceleration. From .6s to impact the tesla increases speed from 8mph which is on par acceleration for a Tesla model 3. However, for reasons unknown the valet appears to fail to brake and hits 2 parked cars into the garage wall.

Non bias interpretation shows no attempts at taking foot off accelerator and no attempts to brake. This suggests 2 possibilities: Either the valet wanted to get into an accident or the tesla suddenly accelerated beyond valets control. The data cannot differentiate between these two possibilities. However the account originating from the valet says the tesla accelerates beyond his input.

There are well over 100 cases of sudden acceleration. Either the valet is aware of this and using the story the basis for his story or its those cases provide supporting evidence the valets story is true.
Without knowing the valets state of mind its hard to truly know if this was intentional or not. But the data suggests that if this was on purpose the valet did not care about his well being. The many accounts by people of sudden acceleration however suggests this was not intentional and an example of sudden acceleration.