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03/31/21 10:27 PM

#366149 RE: beachhyena #366148

Absolutely agree beachhyena (love the name by the way). I absolutely believe they’ve hedged their bets also toward the UK. I just think the MHRA is chomping at the bit to approve if it’s even remotely good data. This trial will be the Pivot Point of all clinical trials to come and is going to usher in a great era of new science in my perspective. Any paradigm shift will be accompanied by howls by the staunch academics who’s conservatism is in the protection of their endowments, chairs, and professorships. The same will be true of the Pharma Industry; cries of foul to protect their portfolio of crappy expensive drugs and their billions of profit. But this will catch on like fire from the new breed of retail investor and those funds with vision I believe will be all over this. Can’t wait.


03/31/21 10:40 PM

#366154 RE: beachhyena #366148

And for those of us old timers who grew up in NE Ohio, I am reminded of a jingle -- the door is about to be opened. Mr Jingeling counted down the days between Thanksgiving (data lock) and Christmas (TLD):

"Mister Jingeling/How you ting-a-ling/Keeper of the keys/On Halle's seventh floor/We'll be looking for/You to turn the keys."