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03/31/21 10:25 AM

#13131 RE: ANTADOG #13130

So why waste my time with the below instead of asking the question you actually wanted to ask?

how can i put a value on a company that keeps handin' out shares, and gettin' cashed out on our money? And how certain are u that they won't do another reverse after that? And what exactly is your catalyst now for buyin' besides the old recycled fluff, fyi imho ANT

You're just out here mad at the world because the stock doesn't fit the model you built up in your head. You admitted above that you are unable to arrive at a value for the organization based on the information available to all of us. This is patently false. The values any of us assign are nothing more than an educated guess based on the information we deem valuable.

No one can tell you "where the shares came from." Quick - Where did those 20,000 shares of TSLA just get sold come from? No one knows! KAVL has at least 2,000 individual investors all with their own motivations and desires.

Every single share KAVL has issued is listed in the filings. How many shares were in the wild before KAVL reverse mergered in? MILLIONS of shares that none of us have any idea who holds them.

You might be less stressed if you spent less time worrying about what others are doing with their shares and more worrying about why you are here in the first place.