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03/30/21 5:31 PM

#15989 RE: jerrybrockman #15988

Thank you for your Service, Mr Brockman. Had a lot of respect for Forward Observers in Nam. I think one I knew was a Air Force dude. Can’t really remember. No doubt, we had our fair share of knuckle heads.
The Divisions record for lack of discipline, drugs, and morale is pretty well known. Particularly, after ‘’69’. I was there in June 70-71..... the biggest FUBAR in that time was Fire Base Mary Ann....occupied by the 11th infantry brigade. Mar 28, I think it was....1971, zappers made in through the wire and nearly killed the whole company.
Investigations revealed all kind of sheetz...... drugs, lax security, poor morale, etc. the day after my company was choppered in to provide security and......retrieval. 2 months later, the LZ was abandoned......determined to be of NO strategic value. How bout that for being FU’ed. Heck, we got issued uppers/downers on demand. One pocket for the uppers....another for the downers. Nothing unusual to walk into the enlisted men’s ‘bar’....essentially a dug out fortified bunker and find some dude passed out with a syringe hanging from his arm.
One of my buddies, a SFC, caught some dudes smoking hash.....made em strip to underwear and begin marching em out to fence line. I interceded......tellin him he wouldn’t make it home if he did that.
Ole Hank, retired after like 25 years in the Army.
I agree with you, though I didn’t sound like it.... it’s all screwed up. I remember being given a patrol..a RON....and the guy selected to be squad leader that time, was my friend and real anti-army guy. As we were going over our individual check know.....amount of ammo, c-ration- socks, water, he suggested ‘F’ the ammo, let’s take C-rations and throw it at them. In principal......I thought it to be good
Some officers were crap....and others were okay. We had a 1st Lt we liked a lot. One day we took a deuce n half
down the hill to the this was after the FB Maryann failure.....and we just happened to be met by a squad of MP’s. As we deboarded the truck we were being directed to another truck....for get this....being out of uniform....dirty....unshaven. I had my x-girlfriend panties around my neck .....that really incited one starched out MP.
Anyway, the LT game up behind the lead MP.....turned him around a put his .45 colt to the guys head. Held him and the others there while we went in and stocked, cigs.....cookies and such.
Wow....if you even made it through reading’re as crazy as But I’m 73.... little memory but a few things.....
Oh, and that ole girlfriend, I mentioned, who broke up with me within a month....I married her 40 years later, and we’ve been married 11 years.
Again, thanks for your service, and hope you’ve been able to avoid PTSD.


03/30/21 6:18 PM

#15990 RE: jerrybrockman #15988
