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03/25/21 10:16 AM

#364722 RE: The Danish Dude #364719

LMAO! That was funny, and possible might be true!


03/25/21 10:24 AM

#364725 RE: The Danish Dude #364719

LOL..take one for the team!!

Sir Pumpernickel

03/25/21 10:33 AM

#364729 RE: The Danish Dude #364719

FOMO is a powerful thing and the street knows it!! That’s why Pumpernickel set a definitive amount to not touch!! If I can add with the swings of the market why not? I am 500,000 true and long but as long as lack of news and investor emotions move the price up and down by all means Pumpernickel is going to take advantage because the bottom line to Pumpernickel is the price at TLD is going to be the price at TLD REGARDLESS of the price BEFORE TLD. The potential market share for the stock doesn’t change. If approved it is projected to make x amount of dollars when approved and operating and the post TLD SP will reflect that regardless of the insignificant .05 - .30 cent present movements!!! Linda already knows what that is!!
Pumpernickel YuYu....YuYuYuYu.....YuLaLaLaLaWHAAAAAAAAAAAAWH0000000000000000000000000000000000000000eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!


03/25/21 11:18 AM

#364756 RE: The Danish Dude #364719



03/25/21 6:29 PM

#364852 RE: The Danish Dude #364719

I sell
Buffett announces partnership, 1 share Berksire for 200 shares NWBO
cramer does full 1/2 hr on NWBO taking off BUY! BUY! BUY!
Biden announces cure for cancer in press conference, Thanks NWBO
musk decides he's in the medical business
I wake up from my nap


03/25/21 6:31 PM

#364853 RE: The Danish Dude #364719

I would call it a Royal Flush. ??