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03/23/21 3:51 AM

#33125 RE: 5under #33098

CEO ScrewU Halpern? Nope! I didn't miss a thing.. He's selling pot too.

Greg Halpern, president / director, United States flag Cannabis Global Corporation (Wyoming (US), 30 Apr 2019- )

This is a public listed entity with the following listed contact information:

Greg Halpern Telephone: 847-565-9732
E-mail for it:

Open the document file and it's all there in the link above. I wonder who Manda is? I bet she makes house calls. Weedy delivers [grin]

Guess what? That's the EXACT telephone number to call MAXD. Go figure?

But, Renewable Energy & Power (RBNW: I tell U right here: U go check the SEC files on And U will No find Halpern's name on a single report,
I tell U right here: U go check the SEC files on And U will No find Halpern's name on a single report, not 1. Until magically appears in 2019 owning 100% of the Preferred shares!.

How'd he do that eh?

After 4 + years in court for a patent theft; they lost big time! And U just got-ta read that case. Lies, stalling, erroneous answers, stalling theft! 4 years of BS! And not once did Insiders even tell shareholders or admit they were being sued for patent theft, NOT ONE Time. Even now in past two years in failing reverse merger stink sheet up dated and amended reports , Macintyre; Ex-CEO denies any past cases, judgments and suits. Oh it happened alright and documented here too.

Then a Reverse split, bogus change in direction, and another reverse split, yup 2!, The 2nd time SEC caught a pack of boiler room criminals and just before attempting a reverse merger. Guess who pops up?

Halpern and owns 100% of the preferred share! Yet, the SEC and SOS of Nevada stated the the CEO and his pal owned all of the preferred shares!

But what what? All of the money was going to a California corporation!!

All the time since 2012 Guess who? had been hiding inside the whole scam!
" GREG HALPERN, secretary, United States flag Renewable Energy & Power, Inc. (Nevada (US), 15 Oct 2012- Renewable Energy & Power (RBNW)

Getting the picture? Me says before, "Multiple hidden corporations" ;;

So, what you see about Career serial criminal ScrewU Halpern, aint what U get. Peek-a-bo! Where are youuuu.


