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03/19/21 3:17 PM

#652116 RE: Dmceng4 #652096

I really cannot answer that with any authority.

I know this number has been bandied about. I just don't remember any details about it.

I went to This Page titled Status of Washington Mutual Bank Receivership and clicked on the link for WAMU Quarterly Receivership Balance Sheet Summary and got the response 405 Not Allowed

If you can give me a different link to the document I will look at it.

I also looked at the FDIC Balance Sheet for 2017 and 2020 and the only off balance sheet information involved estimates of how bad things could get if everything failed and there were no recoveries.

Finally I would caution anyone looking at these numbers to remember that some things seem backwards when looking at a bank's financials.

For individuals, your deposit account is an asset and your loan is a liability. For the bank, it is exactly the opposite.

Furthermore, there is smoke and mirrors associated with anything to do with a loan. When loans are made, 90% of the money loaned is created out of thin air (research fractional reserve banking). When the loans are paid back, 90% of the principal payment goes back to whence it came (i.e. thin air).

My vaguest recollection is that the 299B represents the loans that JPM did not get. Don't quote me!

Sorry I can't help more.