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03/18/21 1:59 PM

#230008 RE: surfkast #230003

Thomas Edison, failed at the light bulb over 1000x

Elon Musk had failed vehicle test too many times to count. His SpaceX rockets have been exploding like clockwork. Should he just quit?

Einstein was told he wouldn't amount to anything because he began speech late. Saw how that went.

Walk Disney was told he had no talent and his ideas were stupid. Looks like he made it happen despite the failures.

James Dyson made 5000 different models of the Dyson household vacuum before it worked. He is now the wealthiest man in the United Kingdom.

Henry Fords first automobile company failed miserably and went bankrupt. Welp!

And the list goes on and on man.

The common theme is this, and James Dyson said it best. "What I've learned from running is that the time to push hard is when you're hurting like crazy, and you want to give up. Success is often just around the corner."

Yes Mark Kay has failed a lot, but he has clearly not given up. The software is clearly a real thing as for the beta and ability to download the app from the app store.

We are not here to talk about the past, we are here to talk about the future, and SFOR's is bright.

Many suitable buyers interested in this product to bring in the new 2021 and beyond challenge of keep conference chats secure and safe.

Best of luck to you but touting the past when this is the present just makes me want to tell you to watch Kung Fu Panda and be enlightened. hahahahaha
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03/18/21 2:01 PM

#230009 RE: surfkast #230003

Videos from 2017? No, sorry ; not those

But the updates around 2/6/21 , the interviews that actually have to do with current development

The interviews with updates on SafeVchat right before this ran 500 percent?

Those r the ones have relevance