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03/13/21 2:07 PM

#16198 RE: KER12 #16188

Aha, I did not think of insurance. I am nervous, just because I remember the S&L bailouts and Enron etc. I know they are not the same, but crash and burns nevertheless. It just seems that the big boys get bailouts, and the main stream media and others, are so biased against us, that they are trying to make a case early that it is us who are the bad guys and dont deserve the same treatment. Calling us the Reddit/WSB and other such negative terms. We are getting blamed for the volatility, which might have a truth to it, but we did not cause the scenario, we are just riding the wild bull, and totally refuse to jump off.
Don’t get my fears wrong, I am not negative and the shorts have not gotten into my head! I just cant help feeling that somehow these deep pocket HF’s don’t have some awful trick up there sleeves.
I have 12k shares, I just turned green. And I am holding very very tight. I am committed to being an APE, I have not traded on this, even though I could have like I do with other stocks.
Sorry the venting and rambling, I know that myself and probably others too, take great comfort in seeing that there are so many others fighting and holding strong too. Thanks for reading and putting up with my rambling!