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03/12/21 9:56 AM

#329382 RE: CaptBeer #329377

NIce Graph Capt beer - definetly see gV dragging us down.

Clearly all those gL cannot be for trigs >500

AMRN should be immediately directing their 800 reps to meet with insurance companies and explain to them REDUCE IT and why you cannot substitute DHA containing products

Reps should be explaining that Insuracne companies may actually be harming patients by doing this by increasing their LDL by 49% and that AMRN is just very concerned that if the public became aware of an Insurance company attempting to save a few dollars by substituting meds that not only have never been proven effective but may actually be harming the patient this could easily get blown out of proportion and AMRN wants to help them avoid that crisis ..

HEY THIS GIVES ME AN IDEA - FOR ALL THE LAWYERS Could we do a class action suit against insurance companies for substituting an unapproved FDA med for an approved one
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03/12/21 12:26 PM

#329410 RE: CaptBeer #329377

Sleven, Did You see the Capt Beer graph that my post is linked to?

You make a valid point that GV was introduced in Q4

but Capt Beer graph clearly shows that GV has been climbing

and eating away Vascepa market share ever since GV was introduced

while GL is staying somewhat constant (so GV is not eating away at GL market share)

I'm not sure why people get so defensive

about GV eating away at the Vascepa market share

Since it obviously and not surprisingly is