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Stock Guy777

03/04/21 11:14 AM

#56739 RE: Fres #56735

It’s a guess


03/04/21 11:17 AM

#56741 RE: Fres #56735

I'm not sure why I would get a snide remark for the comment. There was no bearish comment or bashing involved You have people saying "why aren't there daily updates and tweets" and I gave them a reasonable response. The big run was all based on the people who had been speculating since .0001 and took some very good profits when the site was updated and we hit the highs. I'm very bullish on this stock and have held my original position since .0006 and averaged up to .0016 when we were climbing. In a year this will be worth good money so all I said was sit tight and don't panic sell.