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03/04/21 7:35 AM

#12074 RE: Bridget21 #12060

Hey Bridget, market corrections mean a lot for stocks like TSLA for sure. I’d expect it should be down as people move away from inflated stocks.

“Meanwhile, non-Tesla traders in our study were relatively irked by Tesla's P/E which sits at 1,077/1 at the time of publication, believing shares of the stock could be in for consolidation in the near-term.”

That’s nuts! NGW is not even close or on the radar of major investors, although it has gained some attention for sure and deservingly so. As the market corrects investors pull cash so of course NGW could trend down, or maybe buck the trend, I don’t claim to know either way how it will go. But I would say I am almost certain if you are long term here the outlook is very bright and business is better then ever and only getting better in the years ahead. GL!!