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03/01/21 5:39 PM

#12040 RE: Clonemaster #12037


Overall I agree completely with your observations.

"Simply adding more supply isn't a positive move if the market will contract and demand slows. That's all I see them doing now."

The key word in this statement is "if". If is a big word. My father-in-law used to have a saying about "if". He would opine that "If I had a square a$$hole, I could $hit bricks." Crass I agree but none-the-less, effective in illustrating how big a qualifier "If" is.

I agree with you, If NGW were having any difficulty whatsoever in selling it's products, expansion would make no sense at all. But reality is exactly the opposite. They can't grow it fast enough. They can't make gummies or sauce-carts or pre-rolls fast enough. They are CONSISTENTLY sold out weeks in advance. Not occasionally, but consistently.

There is absolutely ZERO indication that the market will contract or that demand will slow. Instead, as the brand gains recognition, demand will increase.............and that is for years and years to come. Why? Because they grow the finest cannabis in the world. Period.

There was a time in the not-too-distant past that people would NEVER have paid more then $0.10 for a cup of coffee. Little did they know that what they were drinking was just one step above swamp water. Now they willingly stand in line for 30 minutes to pay $4.00 or more for a coffee from Starbucks. My point? Once consumers are exposed to high quality products, especially when those products have to do with their leisure of pleasure time, it is almost impossible to go back.

One simply can't compare black-market skunk weed with the best of the best cannabis NGW is producing.

I predict that when the new facility is on line and operating at full capacity, they will STILL be sold out weeks in advance. THAT'S how good their products are.