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02/28/21 2:30 AM

#82148 RE: jaiguruji7 #82147

God Bless. Amen

Be safe and be humble !

ENZC saves human lives


02/28/21 3:06 AM

#82149 RE: jaiguruji7 #82147

Now That's The Post of The Century!!!

Let me be the first to say Amen to that!

The way I see it ENZC has been given a Divine Appointment with Humanity, a "Messiah Directive" that represents an Act of God's Mercy that without it, the world as we know it would cease to exist.

Just know that the SARS-Covid 19 Pandemic (Global Plague) is NOT regressing, it's in the process of ACCELERATING to an all new level recognized by the appearance of NOT (1) but (3) new Variant Mutations within 12-Months of the first one appearing this time last year, and if something isn't done very quickly to put a STOP to its replication capacity, those three new Variant Mutations will absolutely morhp into addition ones and continue to replicate exponentially. The gravity of this is "nightmarish" in proportion like something out of a science fiction movie.

Therefore, unequivocally this Virus is displaying exponential replication patterns early in its life cycle, and the scary part is the Variant Mutations have to do with not only its survival in the environment, but also its ability to thrive, and the "directive" of its thriving is to KILL people and it does that very efficiently and quickly.

My Point??? The ONLY thing on this Planet that has the ability to deal effectively with this Virus is ENZC's Clone-3 Antibody and it's a good thing that it's presently under evaluation at Texas A&M at Warp Speed because that's what it's going to take to put a STOP to this invisible creature that's seeking to destroy every person on earth.

I'm just telling everyone the way it really is not meaning to scare anyone, but it really is like that!

But I have Faith that ENZC's Clone-3 is going to quickly come to Market in record time for any pharmaceutical, and the best bet for the company's CEO is to license out their Patent to as many BigPharmas as possible so there can be MASSIVE manufacturing and global distribution of the medication made available to literally everyone on earth as this would be the ideal and most efficient way to stop this thing in its tracks.

And like I said before ENZC's destiny is to become a "SUPER BIOTECH" unlike the world has ever seen and its product has the capacity to deliver everyone on earth from this "Alien Virus"

Can I get an Amen on that?

Be well and prosper...


02/28/21 11:56 AM

#82183 RE: jaiguruji7 #82147

Chart looks primed and ready to run hard in my opinion.


07/24/21 2:50 PM

#120629 RE: jaiguruji7 #82147

You had it figured out from the beginning. Kudos to you. Glad to see you`re still around to reap the benefits of your own DD. I feel we could break out at any time now with Intel and Lonza backing.