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Amigo Mike

02/26/21 8:25 AM

#6559 RE: weazelboy #6558


Yeah ... not getting hopes up .....

But one has to admit that despite the continued failure to communicate, the known "activity" of late .... IMO .... are required steps to support uplisting to Nasdaq.

Even if Nasdaq isn't in play, an investor can see changes being made, changes that are positive for the company and changes that would potentially make the company more attractive to investors or for funding purposes.

What's are ZIVO's biggest issues ?
Mgmt, Communication and "pending funding" ???

-New CFO who has capital markets experience.
-New BoD member who is a qualified financial expert.
-Vastly improved SEC filings that communicate what ZIVO is all about vs laughable history financial ineptitude that communicates nothing of what ZIVO is about.

I haven't read the entire 10K ... just the first several pages. But guessing much more has been cleaned up. And what I read, I believe that a new investor researching ZIVO would come away with the impression that things are going on at ZIVO and worth looking at. AND THAT IS VASTLY DIFFERENT THAN PREVIOUS. INVESTOR SENTIMENT AND GOOD WILL IS HUGE as it relates to a stock and stock price. I mentioned previous the S1 was the most comprehensive update ever provided by ZIVO. What I saw so far in the 10K is definitely a continuation of that.

Amigo Mike

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Amigo Mike

03/03/21 1:22 PM

#6562 RE: weazelboy #6558

1 share posted at the open today ..... and 251 total so far today. Classic. ..... and the silence continues.

Meanwhile some fun stuff in the ZIVO licensee arena.

Did some basic poking around .... seems NutriChipz has recently stepped up its game as it relates to trademark filings. Chipuras was the original trademark as I recall but they've filed several during 2020 and into 2021 for some new trademarks. By way of example:


Full US list ....

What's funny is these trademark filings have attracted the attention of the big boyz.

Frito-Lay North America (owned by Pepsi) has filed objections.

And from Beyond Meats.

Could even be a lawsuit filed on a an existing already granted trademark maybe from Beyond Meats.

Fun times. Maybe ZIVO is actually getting closer to being able to supply product to Nutrichipz ..... then again .... lotta excuses in the 10K about production .... 3 producers supposedly. The big algae farm deal hasn't happened. Soooooooooo .................

Dahl oughtta call Pepsi and make a deal for sports / recovery drink.

Amigo Mike