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02/24/21 10:35 PM

#28277 RE: JRLopehandia #28276

What is that post supposed to mean who cares if Barrick cant share their titles show yours


02/25/21 12:00 PM

#28278 RE: JRLopehandia #28276

SO JL if we cut the crapolla and get down to the nasty bits of the entire deal what you are saying to us morons is that your position and claims are saintly and sit next to the creator himself.

The real problem for us idiots at the MWR/MSX table of dreams is that MSX management were too selfish, greedy, stupid, uneducated and poor with no funds to see this through. Just like what the Fitzgerald effort produced.


BUT BUT BUT..... had your claims been so saintly and evidenced as you claim we would not be where we are today.
It wouldda couldda shouldda been a slam dunk as simple as flying a flag in the morning breeze.

SO SO far from reality, n'est ce pas?

YOU YOU YOU and only YOU made it so easy for the securities' legals to burry us like a bone on doggy day.

Chile want no part of any of this and will see to it that it never gets anywhere. Too embarrassing for them on so many levels.

Who is coming in after PINERA. Who's turn is it?
New constitution and all.

movie at 11:00