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02/24/21 12:20 PM

#319088 RE: cdaniel394 #319086

I Don't know but we have the signed landlord agreement,,,,,,,bids have been approved and contractors hired,,,,,funds have been appropriated and,,,,,,they are looking at three months or so to be ready ,,,,so,,,,,if the license can be had close to that time frame,,,,,,,we are not very far away from having an open dispensary,,,,.


02/24/21 12:23 PM

#319089 RE: cdaniel394 #319086

Well take this line from the update and figure that process is encompassed within:

Projected timeline to open the first location is approximately 3 months pending buildout and transfer of the operator’s license and location permit. A firm opening date will be announced at the appropriate time



02/24/21 12:41 PM

#319098 RE: cdaniel394 #319086

per Berkovits Jan2 replying after receiving Operator License and what comes next license wise:

"Hi ******,
Yes, a store is required to be licensed but its more a formality than a process.

As a licensed operator, i can simply submit a location to be used as a dispensary. As long as it meets the requirements of being retail, being in a jurisdicion that allows cannabis and is 150 meters from a school, it will be approved. Its then simply a matter of build out and inspection.

And yes, a manager needs to pass a simple background test and get some basic training to be licensed.

None of these things require unusual wait times and the stores can be opened as quickly as our construction and inspections allow.



02/24/21 3:54 PM

#319116 RE: cdaniel394 #319086

ROFLMAO For FUNN A Year or More?

It's already been 6 months; even though FUNN misled/lied to Minority SH and said it was a done deal back in SEP 2020 and that the kiosk would open December 2020.

DBs been in Canada for 2 years now w/ Tokin Management
He still owns 100% of Tokin Management, Tokin Dispensaries, and most importantly DB soley owns 100% of the Cannabis Operator License.

FUNN owns 100% of MJ diddly squat

Glad RC is reading my posts!!! Pretty clear that he is trying to address real DD and tough questions.

It's going to be a disaster.

Notice how FUNN released ZERO news on actionable items that have been completed. Many forward looking statements which involve the actual licenses.

No details of supplier, what kinds of products will be available, relabeling of product for branding purposes. That should be a concern for Market and Minority SH.

And, FUNN should be opening in USA....not Canada where there is already tons of competition, and glut of product.

The US MJ Market is at least 10x larger than Canada. That kind of business decision is a NO BRAINER.

Another lack of foresight and strategic planning by FUNN Execs

"Stupid is as Stupid Does"
~Forrest Gump