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02/22/21 7:44 AM

#37131 RE: operating_line #37128

a couple of years ago the Chinese government changed its policy of family lands that are handed down to the oldest son...they were never able to monetize those lands and now they are for a couple of reasons

1. their desire to build supersized urban areas has drained the countryside.. so many family lands and rice terraces have fallen into disuse and non producing. I ve walked through them. Been to those rural villages..they are like senior citizen villages except for twice a year. the Spring festival in Jan feb and the october national week.. then those villages are packed as all the young people come home

2. food production suffered so now they let the "owners" of that land rent it to cooperatives to create economies of scale..

but they burn too much garbage.. the burning of plastics in the countryside is soooo depressing. burn stations every couple of kms. if you are downwind then paradise becomes hell.

the bid ask is jumpy pre mkt today.. maybe something coming