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02/20/21 10:01 PM

#182213 RE: samsamsamiam #182211

Wow ...

Forgot about that one...
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02/20/21 10:15 PM

#182215 RE: samsamsamiam #182211

Welch's murder is what may be CONsidered an example of the legal doctrine of 'self-help' in the area of tort law. Welch's decision to reside ~OUTTside the legal jurisdiction of the USA (i.e., in the Bahamas) frustrated his victims' ability to use the court system to obtain recompense and punitive damages from him.

Yes, perhaps some Bahamian laws may have been broken in this instance of self-help. Yes, there could be some minor details that are at variance with the 'classical' Anglo-Merikun halo of what has heretofore been considered the requirements of using the self-help doctrine. These are mere trivialities and the doctrine needs to be expanded to bring it up-to-date and encompass situations like Welch's 'murder'.

I have been and remain remarkably surprised that there are nott many, indeed frequent, occurrences of such self-help used by victims of pennyscams against their scammers.

So many pennyscam victims have committed suicide after losing their marriages, retirements, mortgage payments, and everything to pennyscammers. Butt be logical. Why kill yourself when you can apply self-help and direct your ire nott towards yourself, butt towards the criminole scammer who you know will go unpunished? I mean, if one is determined to shuffle off their mortal coil, well hell, why nott take the pennyscammer down first?

I am shocked that the Welch event is nott MUCH more common in Pennyscamland. Especially as many pennyscam victims are elderly and often in poor health anyway. They have little to lose by engaging in Welch-style self-help.

And let's be honest, the SEC, DOJ, and civil court system is ineffectual in policing these frauds. With~OUTT any fear of penalty or severe reprisal, there is no deterrent to the pennyscammers.

Butt a much broadened application of vigilante justice Welch-style could, in time and with publicity, provide such a needed deterrent.
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janice shell

02/20/21 10:18 PM

#182217 RE: samsamsamiam #182211

Of course I do! That was quite something. It's always puzzled me that more penny perps don't get murdered.