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02/20/21 7:02 PM

#15050 RE: Surf335 #15049

This has been a tech company, a marketing company, a search engine company, cbd company and many others over the last 5 years with ZERO REVENUE AND ZERO FOLLOW THROUGH...


02/21/21 12:28 PM

#15051 RE: Surf335 #15049

You are arguing something entirely different. I never said that the company was on the up and up. The company was a "scam" for years.

But why did the SEC wait until the share price started to appreciate before they shut it down?

That seems very suspicious to me...

Could it be that the previous bagholders were the MMs and naked shorters? And they wanted out, so they started to drive the price up and sold it all to the new bagholders (at which point it was suspended)?

The SEC could have suspended the company a long time ago when it was at no-bid and it wasn't trading. Why didn't they? Why did they wait? Was it because the MMs and naked shorters would have been hurt?

I find it very curious that when large hedge funds lose money, the government bails them out (with taxpayer money), but when retail investors (like us) start to make money, well then, that shouldn't happen... let's shut it down...

Why are brokers & market makers allowed to front-run investors? Why isn't that illegal? They are basically using "inside information" to trade and make money on a constant basis.

Why is naked shorting allowed? It is supposed to be illegal. Why isn't the SEC doing anything about that?

Why is the focus always on the retail investor? Why are they always trying to "save us"?