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02/20/21 4:19 PM

#35231 RE: sweep5 #35230

“Your sarcasm isn’t necessary or appreciated” ... Hello kettle? This is pot... Wow sounds like I touched a nerve hahaha!! Such wonderful useful information you just posted again! Thank you for enlightening all of us with your wisdom and knowledge on how to conduct ourselves going forward.. Much appreciated, truly wonderful advice!!


02/20/21 5:05 PM

#35232 RE: sweep5 #35230

The SEC doesn't give a crap about this stock. Saying that a public corp has to follow SEC guidelines in regard to Torvec is a joke. Do you remember any of the claims that came out of this company during the last 20+ years with no reaction from the SEC. Not to mention Donnelly's own 200 user’s testimony. The issue with his statement isn't that he made it but rather the fact that he has NEVER explained why it never happened or even acknowledged that he ever made it. Pitiful...Shameful to say the least.

Torvec7 did his homework he called him. He never called him back. So effectively he tried to do homework but the teacher wouldn't give him the time of day.

In case you missed it, it was the first sentence of Torvec7's post..."I have tried calling several times and sent numerous emails. None have been answered."

Zendo 2

02/20/21 5:20 PM

#35233 RE: sweep5 #35230

Mr. Sweep: I can't remember how long you have been a poster. I can tell you that in years past if anyone spoke with a corporate officer that individual usually passed along whatever information he acquired. I think there was a realization that management was busy---too busy to answer the same set of questions from multiple callers so this board was an efficient way to keep the shareholders informed. I further believe that said officers expected the information to be shared. They certainly weren't so dumb as to share restricted info. The bigger danger was that we would be fed more bs via a different conduit.