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02/12/21 10:53 PM

#100651 RE: Vexari #100649

Witnessing massive cult behavior

Cannot take in facts

Not acting in one's own best interest

Can be called

A brainwashed mind

Through subconscious "priming"

A movie clip from 10 years ago. Notice any similarities to current events? There's a part of the mind the average person knows nothing about, which stores every image it ever sees....EVER! It's called the subconscious and it plays a matching game every minute of every day. If it sees a matching message or behavior in its massive library of messages and moves you toward believing in that idea and forces you to act out that belief in real time. The more repetitive the message, the more you adopt it without resistance or question into your behavior and belief systems. The people organizing your media are well aware of what needs to happen years in advance, so you're sort of familiar mentally for what's planned today. Your screens aren't there to entertain you. They are there to entrain you.

You may be surprised to learn that "Social Distancing" is not a new term invented in 2020. It was mentioned in a movie about a virus pandemic called "Contagion" (2011). In this scene, Laurence Fishburne's character, who plays a CDC medical doctor, advises, "Our best defense has been social distancing... staying home when you're sick, washing your hands frequently."

In mind control there's something called "priming". It's a mind control tactic where you first have to understand that the subconscious mind records everything it views. The subconscious stores those recordings, always looking for patterns inside the memories.....and it does this analysis at lightening speed, 24 hours per day and never "dumps" any of the old memories. If a set of circumstances, symbols or emotions etc can be matched in the memory library, it registers as something that's "acceptable" inside the society.

The more times the subconscious views the same message, symbol, emotion etc....the more likely the subconscious accepts what it views or feels as something safe to mirror, emulate or mimic inside the society. Priming can make people feel comfortable with things they should never feel comfortable with, by tricking the subconscious into remembering that it has already been viewed before, so it must be something "normal" inside the environment. Priming can make our natural defenses stand down by tricking the subconscious into believing that there's nothing really to worry about, because it's happened before. Also remember that the subconscious mind can't tell the difference between reality and what's on a screen.

This episode from the series "Dead Zone" is from 2003 and it's got enough mind control "priming" in it to make the strongest disbeliever pay attention. A show from 17 years ago.

Most people have no idea how planned and orchestrated their societies are or how far out in advance these changes are planned

Basically our human farmers draw out where they want to go in 100 years and then create the situations, policies and media releases to get us all there

Beyond our conscious involvement or control.

Here's one part of the puzzle.

They want to legalize all drugs...not just marijuana.

And if you look at this ONE dot instead of connecting it to other dots

You won't get it

The point here is simple. They want to legalize drugs so

A) Addicts remove themselves and

B) So law enforcement can focus on criminalizing people who want to breathe clean air (not through a mask)

People who want to maintain their most basic freedoms

And people who speak against systematic corruption in government medicine and science

This is about freeing up man hours so authorities can work 24 hours per day removing human rights and freedoms

Plus providing addicts everything they need to remove themselves from the equation

A plan to get rid of the dead weight and enslave anyone who knows where all this is going

Think like the people who rule you

Think 5,10, 15, 25, 50 and 100 years down the road. Connect the dots.

Nothing being pushed on our culture exists to make it better or to fortify it

It's all disaster capitalism

All of it.

States are Easing Laws and Legalizing Recreational Drugs - Not Just Marijuana

Jason Christoff