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02/12/21 11:18 PM

#100652 RE: Vexari #100651

People who want to maintain their most basic freedoms

And people who speak against systematic corruption

In government, medicine, law and science

Nothing being pushed on our culture exists to make it better or to fortify it

It's all disaster capitalism

All of it

Dr. DrewDave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Dr. Drew, Viva Frei, and Zubin Damania (ZDoggMD) about the YouTube censorship they have experienced just by having honest medical and legal conversations on their channels. Big Tech platforms like Facebook and Youtube have made it possible for legal and medical experts to have long nuanced conversations about complex topics like lockdown policies, the COVID vaccine, the problems with the legal system and more. They rely on their audience’s critical thinking abilities to be able to make sense of the information. Unfortunately the algorithms can’t detect nuance. So while they may have the 1st amendment protections of freedom of speech, they aren’t safe from social media censorship. Big tech censorship policies like the demonetization of videos and channel strikes have been hitting channels engaged in complex conversations pretty hard. Dr. Drew, Viva Frei and Zubin Damania discuss their own frustrations with social media platforms and why they have created Locals communities to protect their message and communities.


02/13/21 12:10 AM

#100653 RE: Vexari #100651

It's all in motion

The [DS] has now had their impeachment trial

Trump team exposed their lies and now the world was able to see the truth about Trump

The impeachment set a precedent that you can impeach a former President.

Everything is in motion

News unlocks

And now the people have seen the truth.