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01/30/21 5:15 PM

#209691 RE: joshuaeyu #209690

Been my experience....that many smaller companies have associations with Whales that never pan out.

For several years now EXXON / Mobil has theoretically been "in bed" with FCEL for instance......but show me a contract as of yet. Hasn't happened.

Same thing here. Where's the contract announcement? Oh...I's an NDA.

I was once involved with a company / stock called International Nursing (NURS) which became ticker symbol RAMP at some point. The invention, this in 1999, by a man named Berman, was something akin to an iPhone / Blackberry that was going to be used by Doctors to send their scripts to the pharmacy.
Wellpoint got linked with RAMP on this and everyone was sure...I mean SURE...that Wellpoint was going to adapt the technology.

Well it turned out the Doctors were too old school...still wanted to write out their scripts by hand...and the technology was never adapted. Stock went from 18 cents to 8.50...and then became nothing.....when the technology never caught on.

I realize we're in a different scenario here, with a real business maze being erected...but one can never assume that because there are alliances with other major corporations...that things are going to work out.

We'll know when, and if, the fat lady sings. And only then. Til then it's all one allusion after another....


01/30/21 10:57 PM

#209720 RE: joshuaeyu #209690

“Whale Whisper references” have been around for 10 years now.

We need Li and team to start landing real contracts for this company that puts beef on the table.

I hope what Li has done with TRI is not the fate of Liquidmetal.


03/03/21 10:05 AM

#211540 RE: joshuaeyu #209690

Joshua any whispers coming out in China about whales or contracts for the next quarterly report?

Do you expect some forward guidance from Li in the next quarterly report?

What’s your prognosis?