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01/29/21 8:38 PM

#180945 RE: samsamsamiam #180944

What is the exit strategy for these Reddit "investors"? do they have one?
I read some of the more savvy investors will buy puts and make money both ways - but what about the other naive reckless investors? Encouraged to go all in - and put in way more than they can afford to lose. (or LOOSE like they say).

I guess it will be a valuable education - costly - eating up all the college funds they used that should never have been gambled away.


01/29/21 9:58 PM

#180948 RE: samsamsamiam #180944

I just have to think the original crew behind this has nothing to do with Reddit other than using it as a cover.

There is some real deep pockets involved here.

Two things are evident with scams ......either they are novel or they are from the same playbook and rehashed.

This might be both.