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01/28/21 12:29 PM

#49791 RE: KingsKnight #49781

Hard to Find Protection Here...

Not really. I've seen IB's put up big BIDs just to stop this sort of chicanery. One example was Maxim with $nbev. Maxim was the primary. There was selling going on, threatening to push the share price below $5, and then on the BID appeared market maker "MAXM", with a 250,000 share BID at $5. Lot of bull$hit ended right there and the uplist went well from there.


NBEV like a lot of companies that uplist was looking for a pay day for insiders. They got it, and the share price went where it typically does when this happens ($7 then; $3 today).

GMGI's balance sheet is pretty simple. No mystery to it. CoVid or no CoVid, it should have uplisted by now. That's the past so no point to belabor it now.

What's important is what happens on the other side of uplist, which will come. Management in my opinion has shown they aren't looking to cash out here. They appeared poised to build something here. I've made my bet that they are competent to do the job. Macro-environment is strongly in their favor. We'll see what happens.