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01/27/21 4:41 AM

#350324 RE: inclinedampforest #350322

No worries, I thought you were being modest, however you’re still likely better than me but it sounds like in the same league.

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01/27/21 5:38 AM

#350332 RE: inclinedampforest #350322

Hy Forest, the same do I, playing piano and other instruments as well - but all mediocre (which is not bad!)
i like classical gas too, the orchestra version. When it came out, that was my beatles/ rock - time and classical gas was not my genre, but GREAT
(composing a song about nwbo, ucla, LP + LL right now)
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01/27/21 8:32 AM

#350369 RE: inclinedampforest #350322

We both know that it is for the edification of the player, not the entertainment of the audience that one plays... and playing music for us meer mortals is very much like playing golf, where the challenge is not playing the course, but playing yourself.... I am sure the crabs are very appreciative....(-: