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01/22/21 7:45 PM

#10765 RE: gilead23 #10764

The company actually intends to build out 50 MW of capacity by year end, so this 25 MW plan gets them half way there.

Based on some quick searching, it does seam the rates you quote are about the going rate for building out new datacenter capacity, but I'm pretty sure the company is also looking to add some kind of load balancing system to accumulate energy during off-peak hours, to be used when the intermittent renewable supplies go offline, which might be even more expensive.

Then again, they bought their first 2.5 MW crypto mine for $200,000:

I don't expect they'll be lucky enough to find that much capacity in bankruptcy settlements for pennies on the dollar in value, like their first property, but I don't expect they'll be paying full price either.

In one of those interviews the CEO said they will need to do financing, but they are sensitive to dilution, as management holds nearly half of the company now.

I imagine they will seek to uplist on NASDAQ and release some more positive developments to drive the price up before they lock in any financing.

There's obviously a lot of unknowns here, we have to trust a management team that appears to be judicious allocators of capital, I think rhe operations team history of developping and spinning-off PLUG Power combined with Michael Toropek's history in private equity look like a capable team to build a going concern in this industry.

I see you are still active on MicrocapClub, there's some good conversation on the potential possibilities for MKTY there as well.