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01/20/21 2:25 AM

#12 RE: Wildbilly #11

He invited me to his abode in Jamaica

which I regretted I couldn't follow up on.


02/01/21 7:46 PM

#13 RE: Wildbilly #11

Geez, am I ever behind. I totally forgot about this post- I clicked on it way back when thinking I was gonna come back to it and follow up- sorry.

I've been pretty busy getting voted in our HOA (of which I'm now also the Treasurer...wth?) as well as the treasurer of our "Men's Club". How do I get let myself get talked into these things?

Anyway, I remember Maninfla but I never got to know him or really follow him. What I did find kinda fun was reading up on the Q & A board and reading some of Paulie Cashews special memed images. His pics always gave me a chuckle.

I'm not really sure what I was looking for but I never came across the flames...?


05/23/21 9:58 PM

#63 RE: Wildbilly #11

What with Wayne here bringing up stories, jogging my memory, and talking about some stuff that I was only vaguely aware of at the time at best, I went back to SI tonight. What a trip back in time. Matt recruited me in 2002 for iHUb and I must've really took it to heart and jumped ship as I've gone clear back to 2006 and still haven't come across a post of mine on SI... (at least on TGL thread). But the names of posters that do come up! What a blast jogging my memory.

I also never realized that once Jim slowed down his presence on SI, how quickly that it got taken over. Two posters in particular caught my attention: Jmhollen and MONEYMADE. Not a criticism by any means...just an observation. I had no idea that TGL WHAAAAATT had been so taken over. Got a few more years to wade through down memory lane, but now I'm REALLY curious...;-)