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01/19/21 7:18 PM

#320096 RE: Bouf #320092

The question no one has ever answered is why Amarin would not file this motion if it had merit.

Amarin looked at EVERYTHING, including the Kurabayashi table and testimony; Amarin chose what they thought where their best arguments for appeal. Not everyone at Amarin wanted to let Kurabayashi and Heinecke’s testimony slide...

I have had several back and forth emails with Amarin regarding Rule 60, IMO Amarin chose their strategy poorly.

There’s a very very good chance Du reads our filing....for me that’s a win. Everyone needs to know you might not get justice in her court if she flat out rejects our motion.



01/19/21 7:21 PM

#320097 RE: Bouf #320092

Agree. Good post


01/19/21 7:22 PM

#320098 RE: Bouf #320092

Bouf, you raise a good point as to why AMRN is not pursuing this. However I donated anyway as Marjac has spent so many hours with zero payment. And others have as well.


01/19/21 10:02 PM

#320129 RE: Bouf #320092

I'm not sure why it would cost anything to post on various social media sites to attempt to raise the funds to do the 60 motion.

having said that, i've already donated and i'd be happy to bump the amount by 10X with a win (500 to 5000). count on it.



01/19/21 10:48 PM

#320135 RE: Bouf #320092

What if Amarin are against the rule 60 filing because that would mean that they are admitting guilt / incompetence / malfeasance (not addressing this during trial)?


01/20/21 2:55 AM

#320141 RE: Bouf #320092

Bouf/ Kiwi

Risk / reward? What’s your risk ? A small amount is at risk by those who contribute ...reward ...if successful - immense - even if unsuccessful shareholders will have had their day in court ... they will have tried to right a grave wrong

-shareholders have rights... they have the right to pursue this action -and those shareholders at Du decision date lost greatly

Patients lost greatly -Gv that is not to standard / no educational expenditure by generics

Amarin ... because they do not pursue Rule 60 - you do not what - Consider such that the application has no merit? You rely on the Amarin board /it’s lawyers and just let this go ... what for 500 bucks ?

If Rule 60 wins -Maybe those that do not share this burden should donate their share gains to the American Heart Association !!



01/20/21 7:36 AM

#320151 RE: Bouf #320092

It may or may not have merit.

But heck we waste money on useless crap everyday with less reward.

Netflix subscription you hardly watch
Starbucks Venti latte
Craft beer instead of Miller

No harm kicking in $5 or $10. Those posters probably have our interest more at beart than Starbucks corporate or Reed Hastings..