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01/18/21 9:55 AM

#149162 RE: aandt #149157

aandt "I am curious where you have seen numbers for how much (or little) distributors contribute?" I have not seen that number but I have seen what I regard as very disapping revenues for the third quarter and because of Gary's statements I don't expect the revenues for the Iast quarter to be that much better.


01/18/21 3:31 PM

#149225 RE: aandt #149157

aandt, well stated as few seem to understand the facts of on-going revenue to $PCTL from the long leases, the continued growth of all levels of Distributors and the new market places being opened that are going to out-strip the most visible current use against all the HOCs that threaten us even before the latest COVID attack.

When we get marketing and public/investor relationships straighten out and news of what's going on both past, present, and future get seen by many we will RUN and not look back!


01/18/21 3:55 PM

#149231 RE: aandt #149157

In regards to your post (copied below), I agree with a lot of it.
However, based on the recent podcast, we learned (IMO) that GG is anticipating the revenues to be approximately as follows (or better):
1) Leasing & selling of equipment: 20% x $10 Million = $2 Million
2) Product + Licensing (ie fluid sales + health care): 40% x $10 M = $4 Million
3) Agriculture + Oil & Gas: 40% x $10 M = $4 Million

Based on the above, I believe that if the actual results for 2021 come in at the $10M Revenue Projection, that the "guidance is primarily going to be met by O&G developments" ... it will be a good chunk of the revenues, but still "just" 40% once combines with Agriculture. Of course GG also is optimistic that the O&G revenues could deliver a big surprise to the upside.
However, the revenues from distributors should be substantial too (contrary to what Snow implies). My guestimate for 2020 is around $1.9 to $2.4 Million for "Product", plus $300K to $400K for Licensing. So a total of $2.2 to $2.8 Million. Per the above, it appears that GG expects this should comfortably increase to $4 Million (combined). So this would be 43% to 82% growth in this combined category.

Note: Level 3 distributors can also be involved in the "Leasing & Selling of Equipment" ... so the distributors will likely be contributing to PCTL in this manner as well in the years to come. Perhaps more likely now that newly designed series 2 equipment is about ready to ship. As GG mentioned, he sees a need for millions in financing to manufacture the amount of equipment to meet the large demand for equipment.
Note 2: in regards to the Maverick contract for 1 million gallons, it has been suggested that this could represent a $5 Million transaction ... IF this would be correct, then perhaps $1 Million could be anticipated to hit the 2020 Revenues, and the remaining $4 Million to hit the 2021 revenues. In other words, this 1 contract alone could hit GG projection of 40% of revenues AG + O/G ... so any/all additional sales in these industries would be the possible UPSIDE potential.

Now of course not all the distributors have been as successful as eOn has, but several others are doing well. They all do contribute revenues to PCT which will continue to build going forward. I am curious where you have seen numbers for how much (or little) distributors contribute?
If this was the only source of revenue then I might agree with you. But you seem to be forgetting that this is not a one-trick pony. I have been saying for a while now that the real future is with the O&G developments along with Ag use of fluids. Gary pretty much confirmed that with the last podcast.
I believe the 10M+ guidance is primarily going to be met by O&G developments. Especially with the new administration pushing for greener methods in energy, companies will be looking for ways to do things differently.
So with that being the case, I see the distributors forming a solid base or floor of revenues that will be stable and could be considered relatively passive income for PCT, while they focus on other things. All growth of revenue is good news IMO, especially when there is little cost to PCT associated with it.