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01/18/21 4:39 AM

#19056 RE: silver_bars #19052

Former Treasury Sec. Larry Summers on Bitcoin .....

Following the May 2020 Bitcoin halfing, only aprx. 900 new BTC Coins are now minted every day, however, demand for BTC coins has skyrocketed over the past few months, influenced heavily by the accelerated societal shift to online life/commerce due to Covid ... in just the past few months, demand for Bitcoin has grown to vastly outstrip the supply of new BTC coins hitting the market, for example, just the top 3 entities alone buying Bitcoin are now consuming aprox. 2.28 times more than the number of new BTC coins being minted each day ......

> BTC Demand From Just The Top 3 BTC Buyers ......

* PayPal is consuming aprox. 70% of the new supply of BTC being minted

* CashApp is consuming aprox. 40% of the new supply of BTC being minted

* GrayScale is consuming aprox. 118% of the new supply of BTC being minted

..... just the 3 above mentioned entities alone are now consuming aprox. 228% of the new supply of BTC coins being minted ... which has created a major demand crunch on the remaining BTC coins for the rest of the global buyer marketplace.

While Covid has destroyed many different types of businesses and industries, and fundamentally shifted the way every industry on the planet works; Covid has dramatically accelerated the rate of Bitcoin adoption forward by multiple years within just a matter of months ... Bitcoin is one of the assest classes benefiting the most from the realignment of the world in a post Covid era.