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01/15/21 12:29 PM

#7988 RE: RyGuy #7987

OK Babe here we go This is This is me I am on my death bed I may have a bet A-day or 2 I am so sorry It means a great deal to me that you reach out and ask for an opinion. I wish I could do more wish I could do more and I am on text only I can't type I have loved this application Add my opportunity to be of service . But I am afraid I am out of gas . Now I am heavily invested in preparing for my death from my wife Shake And and I have a lot of money in EPD and AM sorry and NLY and VYNE . APD is doing incredibly well that's wrong it's EPD Vine technology will soon follow. I am no longer 5 and no longer in the other stocks including RCEL

That's it for me
Right now I just want to get home to my wonderful wife and And thank you so much for
being c