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01/11/21 4:14 PM

#346574 RE: branster #346572

Thanks for the update.


01/11/21 4:16 PM

#346576 RE: branster #346572

Excellent response from David


01/11/21 4:18 PM

#346577 RE: branster #346572

They have nerve to tell us to be patience

Dr Bala

01/11/21 4:19 PM

#346578 RE: branster #346572

Thanks. This response is in line with what I would have expected from DI.


01/11/21 4:24 PM

#346580 RE: branster #346572

Thanks for talking to DI and sharing. That’s all well and good if it weren’t for this PR


01/11/21 5:02 PM

#346589 RE: branster #346572

DI: "NWBO doesn't want to leave questions or holes for shorts"
No update on manufacturing (due Oct 2020)
No update on TLD (other than to renege on Sept '20 guidance)
No communication to public whatsoever in 90+ days
10-Q is late enough to get delisted

Way to not leave any questions out there, and not give any ammo to shorts. You're doing a great job. *eye roll intensifies*


01/11/21 5:09 PM

#346595 RE: branster #346572

I don't want a fluff topline PR either. With missed deadlines piling up and a lot of question marks being added (warrants, 10Q, Journal), I just want them to give some guidance on time.

We are approaching 100 days since data lock. Are we closer than that to topline or equally as far or is it still a complete unknown that could be ASCO again?

Do we have to produce a 10Q prior to topline?

Can they raise money prior to 10Q? Are they out of money?

These are fair questions for a shareholder to ask, and some answers are required by law.


01/11/21 6:00 PM

#346611 RE: branster #346572

Thank you for the update


01/11/21 6:22 PM

#346612 RE: branster #346572

Thank you for the update. A bit comforting you were able to talk to DI. Still a shame we have to beg & dig for crumbs to keep hope alive.

Judge Smails 40

01/11/21 6:36 PM

#346617 RE: branster #346572

Sounds like April


01/11/21 9:01 PM

#346656 RE: branster #346572

No more biz show! How dare they.... stock price might not drop as much though.