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01/09/07 1:30 PM

#61171 RE: SAMdashada #61166

SAmdashada. certainly the share price of GTEM was much higher then than it was today. The relation of the share price today compared to a year ago was not the topic being discussed.

I appreciate your advice and I certainly would want my portfolio where it is today.

It baffles me that there are so many people fixated on the past, internafta, Huff as CEO etc as if discussing it constantly is going to change the past. What's done is done can't be changed no matter how much one posts complaining about the company's past it isn't going to change the present or magically restore the share price to the time when you thought things looked rosier. It makes no sense to dwell on what's past. If they're still holding or have sold now is the time to be forward looking to recoup losses or make more money, not the time to whine about things outside of your control because you didn't make the right decisions and protect your capital, while the company was making mistakes. Good investors can make money when markets are going down and make even more when the market changes and heads back up.